Deuteronomy 6:5-9

"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Things to pray for....

In about 24 hours from now, we'll be meeting our newest blessing! We are very excited. I thought I would give those of you who are praying for us, things to specifically pray.
  • My anxiety. My trust is in the Lord, I know that He is sovereign. But I get scared just like anyone. I hate surgery, I would rather push out 10 babies, than go through this. But, this is the path God has chosen for us to have our children.
  • I get very sick immediately following surgery. They always put some kind of morphine mixture in my iv after they get the baby out. This medicine makes me VERY sick. Hours of vomiting. It makes it difficult to nurse and cuddle my baby.
  • Pray that I can hold and nurse the baby immediately. We don't let the baby go to the nursery, Martie gives our babies their first bath. They are with us constantly. This can be difficult with me getting sick and trying to nurse.
  • Pray for Martie. His back went out last Wednesday. Plus he has his own fears I'm sure. (although he doesn't voice those to me) :)
  • Taylor gets very nervous. She understands what goes into the surgery and it scares her. She also sees me very sick afterward.
  • Pray for all the children while we are at the hospital. Pray that they will glorify God with their words and actions. (especially since we won't be around to remind them) :)
  • Rejoice with us! Praise God for His sovereign will!
  • Lastly, pray for us to choose this babies name!!! That's right we STILL DON'T have a name. Trusting the Lord will give it to us at the right moment.
Thank you all, we will keep you updated over the next week. If you leave a comment, make sure you type your name at the end of the comment if you don't have a google account.


In Everything said...

praying sweet friend!!

Heather said...

Hi. I got here via my sister & wanted to ask if you could request they also administer Zofran right before the procedure. It is a powerful antiemetic (stops nausea).
I had hyperemesis with both pregnancies and was on Zofran via my PICC line all day every day and also received it with my deliveries.
It is amazing!!
Don't let nausea ruin your special time with your family!
Talk to your dr. or anesthesiologist about it.
(Go to for more info about hyperemesis. )

Jennifer Hambrick said...

We will be praying for everyone...and trust that the Lord is in control. Can't wait to hear the good news! (and the name!)

- The Whole Hambrick Clan

p.s. May I bring a meal by sometime this week?

Heather said...

heathermommie- thanks for that info. I know they've tried several things in the past. I'm not sure of all the different drugs. I will mention that.

Jennifer- Thank you for your prayers! I'm so excited for you, and have enjoyed comparing your "nesting blogs" to mine. hehehe We have some friends and church members bringing some meals this week. Thank you though, you take this time and focus on getting ready. :D

Sonya said...

So excited for you guys! I will be praying for a great day.

Kami said...

We love you!! And I will be praying for you (and everyone)!

Carrie said...

We will be praying here in PA :) Bill and Josiah said they want you to have a girl and name her Alice...haha. I have no idea where they picked up that name. I told the boys that you were going to have your new baby today and they all screamed in excitement!!! Love you, and can't wait to hear the good news!

Anonymous said...

We have been praying for your entire family all weekend, and we are SO excited to see these beautiful pictures of Carissa! God is so good! We rejoice with you and your family and will continue to pray for all of you!
Love you! Tonya and the rest of the Nelsons